# 整合 Junit
SpringBoot 中的启动类,这个类起到了配置类的作用这个类在什么位置,它就会把它所在的包以及子包全部扫描一遍,所以说 service 业务层的 bean 才会被加载成配置 bean
- 启动类
package com.dkx.springboot; | |
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; | |
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; | |
/** | |
* Hello world! | |
* | |
*/ | |
@SpringBootApplication | |
public class App { | |
public static void main( String[] args ) { | |
SpringApplication.run(App.class,args); | |
} | |
} |
- service
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
public interface BookService { | |
public void save(); | |
} | |
----------------impl-------------------- | |
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
@Service | |
public class BookServiceImpl implements BookService { | |
@Override | |
public void save(){ | |
System.out.println("BookService save running..."); | |
} | |
} |
# @SpringBootTest
作用:设置 JUnit 加载的 SpringBoot 启动类
- classes: 设置 SpringBoot 启动类
注意事项: 如果测试类在 SpringBoot 启动类的包或子包中,可以省略启动类的设置,也就是省略 classes 的设定
- Test
@SpringBootTest | |
public class SpringTest { | |
@Autowired | |
private BookService bookService; | |
@Test | |
public void test(){ | |
bookService.save(); | |
} | |
} |
测试类会默认加载启动类,初始化 Spring 环境
Run console Result
- 报错原因测试:无法找到启动类
# 指定启动类参数
@SpringBootTest(classes = Class.class)
解决方式:使用 clasees 参数来指定启动类
@SpringBootTest(classes = App.class) | |
public class SpringTest { | |
@Autowired | |
private BookService bookService; | |
@Test | |
public void test(){ | |
bookService.save(); | |
} | |
} | |
---------------------Run console Result---------------------------- | |
. ____ _ __ _ _ | |
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ | |
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ | |
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) | |
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / | |
=========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ | |
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.7.9) | |
2023-03-10 17:06:56.257 INFO 11444 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot1.SpringTest : Starting SpringTest using Java on Administrantor-Dkx with PID 11444 (started by Administrator in E:\apache-maven-3.6.3\maven-work-space\space-idea01\maven-springboot-demo16) | |
2023-03-10 17:06:56.261 INFO 11444 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot1.SpringTest : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default" | |
2023-03-10 17:06:58.531 INFO 11444 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot1.SpringTest : Started SpringTest in 3.637 seconds (JVM running for 7.217) | |
BookService save running... |
# SpringBoot 整合 SSM
SpringBoot 整合 Spring (不存在)
SpringBoot 整合 SpringMVC (不存在)
# SpringBoot 整合 MyBatis (主要)
- 导入 JdbcConfig
- 导入 MyBatisConfig
- 定义数据源 (加载 properties 配置项:driver,url,username,pssword)
- 定义 SqlSessionFactoryBean
- 定义映射配置
# 创建步骤
- pom.xml 文件中导入 myabtis 整合 springboot 的起步依赖
<dependencies> | |
<dependency> | |
<groupId>org.mybatis.spring.boot</groupId> | |
<artfactId>mybatis-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> | |
<version>2.2.0</version> | |
</dependency> | |
</dependencies> |
- MyBatis 操作数据库所以需要导入 mysql-connector 和 druid 的坐标依赖
# @Mapper
作用: 在接口类上添加了 @Mapper, 在编译之后会生成响应的接口实现类
# @MapperScan
作用: 指定要变成实现类的接口所在的包,包下面的所有接口在编译之后都会生成相对应的实现类
添加位置:在 SpringBoot 启动类上面添加
SpringBoot 不建议使用 XML 文件配置,MyBatis 则有点犯难了,官方推荐使用 mybatis-boot-starter 与 SpringBoot 整合
MyBatis 官方建议:直接在 Mapper 类中采用注解的形式操作数据库,通过 @MapperScan 扫描指定的映射器存放路径,最终不需要加任何注解,也不需要对应的 XML 文件类配置 sql 语句
- 创建新模块,选择 Spring 初始化,并配置模块相关基础信息
- 选择当前模块需要使用的技术集 (MyBatis,MySQL)
- 设置数据源参数
spring: | |
datasource: | |
type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource | |
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver | |
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo2?characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=UTC | |
username: root | |
password: dkx |
配置读取 Mapper.xml 文件
mybatis: | |
mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml |
SpringBoot 版本低于 2.4.3 (不含),MySQL 驱动版本大于 8.0 时,需要在 url 连接串配置时区
或在 MySQL 数据库端配置时区解决此问题
- 定义数据层接口与映射配置
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
@Mapper | |
public interface BookMapper { | |
@Select("select * from book where id = #{id}") | |
Book getById(Integer id); | |
} |
- 测试类中注入 dao 接口,测试功能
@SpringBootTest | |
public class AppTest { | |
@Autowired | |
private BookMapper bookMapper; | |
@Test | |
public void test(){ | |
Book book = bookMapper.getById(1); | |
System.out.println(book); | |
} | |
} | |
-----------------Run---------------------- | |
. ____ _ __ _ _ | |
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ | |
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ | |
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) | |
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / | |
=========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ | |
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.7.9) | |
2023-03-10 21:32:16.874 INFO 13108 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot.test.AppTest : Starting AppTest using Java on Administrantor-Dkx with PID 13108 (started by Administrator in E:\apache-maven-3.6.3\maven-work-space\space-idea01\maven-springboot-demo17) | |
2023-03-10 21:32:16.877 INFO 13108 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot.test.AppTest : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default" | |
2023-03-10 21:32:19.793 INFO 13108 --- [ main] com.dkx.springboot.test.AppTest : Started AppTest in 4.158 seconds (JVM running for 7.305) | |
2023-03-10 21:32:20.859 INFO 13108 --- [ main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Starting... | |
2023-03-10 21:32:23.551 INFO 13108 --- [ main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Start completed. | |
Book{id=1, type='计算机理论', name='Spring实战', description='Spring入门经典教程'} | |
2023-03-10 21:32:23.771 INFO 13108 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... | |
2023-03-10 21:32:23.817 INFO 13108 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. | |
Process finished with exit code 0 |
# 基于 SpringBoot 的 SSM 整合案例
- pom.xml
- <font style="color:red"> 配置起步依赖,必要的资源坐标 (druid)</font>
- application.yml
- <font style="color:red"> 设置数据源,端口等 </font>
- 配置类
- <font style="color:red"> 全部删除 </font>
- dao
- <font style="color:red"> 设置 @Mapper</font>
<font style="color:red"> 放置在 resources 目录下的 static 目录中 </font>
<font style="color:red"> 在 resources 目录中创建一个 index.html 页面来作为主页面直接访问地址即可跳转到我们想要访问的页面中 </font>
- 设置分页拦截器作为 Spring 管理的 Bean
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
// 配置该类为 bean | |
@Configuration | |
public class MpConfig { | |
@Bean | |
public MybatisPlusInterceptor getMybatisPlusInterceptor(){ | |
// 1. 定义 MP 拦截器 | |
MybatisPlusInterceptor mpinterceptor = new MybatisPlusInterceptor(); | |
// 2. 添加具体拦截器 | |
mpinterceptor.addInnerInterceptor(new PaginationInnerInterceptor()); | |
return mpinterceptor; | |
} | |
} |
- 执行分页查询
@Test | |
void testGetByPage(){ | |
IPage page = new Page(1,2); | |
userMapper.selectPage(page,null); | |
System.out.println("当前页数为: "+page.getCurrent()); | |
System.out.println("一共多少页: "+page.getPages()); | |
System.out.println("每页展示的数据: "+page.getSize()); | |
System.out.println("一共多少条数据: "+page.getTotal()); | |
System.out.println("数据: "+page.getRecords()); | |
} | |
--------------------------RUN-------------------------- | |
. ____ _ __ _ _ | |
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ | |
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ | |
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) | |
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / | |
=========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ | |
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.7.9) | |
2023-03-11 22:22:33.306 INFO 9448 --- [ main] c.m.MavenMybstisplusDemoApplicationTests : Starting MavenMybstisplusDemoApplicationTests using Java on Administrantor-Dkx with PID 9448 (started by Administrator in E:\apache-maven-3.6.3\maven-work-space\space02\maven-mybstisplus-demo) | |
2023-03-11 22:22:33.316 INFO 9448 --- [ main] c.m.MavenMybstisplusDemoApplicationTests : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default" | |
Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter. | |
Registered plugin: 'com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.MybatisPlusInterceptor@1a96d94c' | |
Property 'mapperLocations' was not specified. | |
_ _ |_ _ _|_. ___ _ | _ | |
| | |\/|_)(_| | |_\ |_)||_|_\ | |
/ | | |
3.4.1 | |
2023-03-11 22:22:43.693 INFO 9448 --- [ main] c.m.MavenMybstisplusDemoApplicationTests : Started MavenMybstisplusDemoApplicationTests in 12.737 seconds (JVM running for 17.761) | |
Creating a new SqlSession | |
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@339f3a55] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active | |
2023-03-11 22:22:45.905 INFO 9448 --- [ main] com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource : {dataSource-1} inited | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@70c29356] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM plus | |
==> Parameters: | |
<== Columns: COUNT(*) | |
<== Row: 5 | |
<== Total: 1 | |
==> Preparing: SELECT id,name,password,age,tel FROM plus LIMIT ? | |
==> Parameters: 2(Long) | |
<== Columns: id, name, password, age, tel | |
<== Row: 1, Tom888, tom888, 3, 12987345 | |
<== Row: 2, Jerry, jerry, 4, 1237568324 | |
<== Total: 2 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@339f3a55] | |
当前页数为: 1 | |
一共多少页: 3 | |
每页展示的数据: 2 | |
一共多少条数据: 5 | |
数据: [Plus(id=1, name=Tom888, password=tom888, age=3, tel=12987345), Plus(id=2, name=Jerry, password=jerry, age=4, tel=1237568324)] | |
2023-03-11 22:22:49.400 INFO 9448 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource : {dataSource-1} closing ... | |
2023-03-11 22:22:49.418 INFO 9448 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource : {dataSource-1} closed | |
Process finished with exit code 0 |
# 开启日志
spring: | |
datasource: | |
type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource | |
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver | |
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mybatisplus?characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=UTC | |
username: root | |
password: dkx | |
#开启 MP 的日志 (输出到控制台) | |
mybatis-plus: | |
configuration: | |
log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl |
# DQL 编程控制
# 条件查询 -- 设置查询条件
- MyBatisPlus 将书写复杂的 SQL 查询条件进行了封装,使用编程的形式完成查询条件的组合
- 格式一:常规格式
// 第一种方式:按条件查询,特殊情况才使用 | |
QueryWrapper q = new QueryWrapper(); | |
// lt: 小于 | |
q.lt("age",18); | |
List<Plus> list = plusMapper.selectList(q); | |
// for(Plus i:list){ | |
// System.out.println(i); | |
// } |
- 格式二:链式编程格式
QueryWrapper<Plus> qo = new QueryWrapper(); | |
qo.lt("age",10).gt("age",30); | |
List<Plus> listo = plusMapper.selectList(qo); | |
// for(Plus i:listo){ | |
// System.out.println(i); | |
// } |
- 格式三: lambda 格式 (推荐)
// 第二种方式:lambda 格式按条件查询 | |
QueryWrapper<Plus> q1 = new QueryWrapper(); | |
q1.lambda().lt(Plus::getAge,18).gt(Plus::getAge,30); | |
List<Plus> list1 = plusMapper.selectList(q1); | |
// for(Plus i:list1){ | |
// System.out.println(i); | |
// } |
- 格式四: lambda 格式 (推荐)
// 查询多个条件 | |
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q3 = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// q3.lt(Plus::getAge,10); | |
// q3.gt(Plus::getAge,30); | |
// 或者使用链式编程 | |
// 10 到 30 之间 | |
// q3.lt(Plus::getAge,10).gt(Plus::getAge,30); | |
// 小于 10 或大于 30 | |
q3.lt(Plus::getAge,30).or().gt(Plus::getAge,10); | |
List<Plus> list3 = plusMapper.selectList(q3); | |
for(Plus i:list3){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
- 并且 (and)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> l = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// 查询 10 到 30 之间的数据 | |
l.lt(Plus::getAge,10).gt(Plus::getAge,30); | |
List<Plus> listl = plusMapper.selectList(l); | |
for(Plus i:listl){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
- 或者 (or)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> l = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// 查询小与 30 或者大于 10 的信息 | |
l.lt(Plus::getAge,30).or().gt(Plus::getAge,10); | |
List<Plus> listl = plusMapper.selectList(l); | |
for(Plus i:listl){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
# 条件查询 --null 值处理
if 语句控制条件追加
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// 通过 if 判断 getAge1 是否为 null 如果为 null 则不执行 q.gt (Plus::getAge,query.getAge1 ()); | |
if(null != query.getAge()){ | |
q.lt(Plus::getAge,query.getAge()); | |
} | |
// 通过 if 判断 getAge1 是否为 null 如果为 null 则不执行 q.gt (Plus::getAge,query.getAge1 ()); | |
if(null != query.getAge1()) | |
q.gt(Plus::getAge,query.getAge1()); | |
List<Plus> list = plusMapper.selectList(q); | |
for(Plus i:list){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
- 条件参数控制 (链式编程)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// 先判断第一个参数是否为 true, 如果为 true 连接当前条件,false 则不连 | |
q.lt(null != query.getAge(),Plus::getAge,query.getAge()) | |
// 先判断第一个参数是否为 true, 如果为 true 连接当前条件,false 则不连 | |
.gt(null != query.getAge1(),Plus::getAge,query.getAge1()); | |
List<Plus> list = plusMapper.selectList(q); | |
for(Plus i:list){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
# 查询投影
- 查询结果包含模型类中部分属性
// 查询投影 | |
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
q.select(Plus::getId,Plus::getName,Plus::getAge); | |
List<Plus> list = plusMapper.selectList(q); | |
// for(Plus i:list){ | |
// System.out.println(i); | |
// } | |
QueryWrapper q1 = new QueryWrapper(); | |
q1.select("id","name","age"); | |
List<Plus> list1 = plusMapper.selectList(q1); | |
// for(Plus i:list1){ | |
// System.out.println(i); | |
// } | |
---------------------RUN--------------------- | |
Plus(id=1, name=张三, password=null, age=3, tel=null) | |
Plus(id=2, name=张三, password=null, age=4, tel=null) | |
Plus(id=3, name=Jock, password=null, age=41, tel=null) | |
Plus(id=4, name=小日子-刘桑, password=null, age=15, tel=null) | |
Plus(id=1634728724109651970, name=小六, password=null, age=321, tel=null) | |
Process finished with exit code 0 |
- 查询结果包含模型类中 未定义的属性
QueryWrapper q2 = new QueryWrapper(); | |
// 相当于 select ... from ? ... | |
q2.select("count(*) as size","name"); | |
// 分组 | |
q2.groupBy("name"); | |
List<Map<String,Object>> map = plusMapper.selectMaps(q2); | |
for(Map<String,Object> i:map){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} | |
-------------------------RUN------------------------- | |
{size=2, name=张三} | |
{size=1, name=Jock} | |
{size=1, name=小日子-刘桑} | |
{size=1, name=小六} |
# 查询条件
范围匹配 (>,=,between)
模糊匹配 (like)
空判定 (null)
包含型匹配 (in)
分组 (group)
排序 (order)
用户登入 (eq 匹配)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q3 = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// eq 等同于 = | |
// select * from plus where name = "张三" and password = "法外狂徒"; | |
q3.eq(Plus::getName,"Jock").eq(Plus::getPassword,"123456"); | |
// 因为 eq 条件查询出来的有两个张三和法外狂徒我们使用 selectOne 只输出一个结果的方法时就会报错 | |
Plus plus = plusMapper.selectOne(q3); | |
// System.out.println(plus); |
- 购物设定价格区间,户籍设定年龄区间 (le ge 匹配 或 between 匹配)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q4 = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
// 范围查询 lt 小于,le 小于等于,gt 大于,ge 大于等于,eq 等于 | |
// 查询范围 min --> max | |
// 方案一:设定上限下限 | |
q4.le(Plus::getAge,10).ge(Plus::getAge,30); | |
// 方案二:设定范围 | |
q4.between(Plus::getAge,10,30); | |
List<Plus> list2 = plusMapper.selectList(q4); | |
for(Plus i:list2){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
- 查信息,搜索新闻 (非全文检索版:like 匹配)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Plus> q5 = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); | |
q5.likeLeft(Plus::getName,"三"); | |
List<Plus> list3 = plusMapper.selectList(q5); | |
for(Plus i:list3){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
- 统计报表 (分组查询聚合函数)
QueryWrapper q2 = new QueryWrapper(); | |
// 相当于 select ... from ? ... | |
q2.select("count(*) as size","name"); | |
// 分组 | |
q2.groupBy("name"); | |
List<Map<String,Object>> map = plusMapper.selectMaps(q2); | |
for(Map<String,Object> i:map){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} |
# 字段映射与表名映射
# 问题一:表字段与编码属性设计不同步
# @TableField
public class User{ | |
@TableField(value="pwd") | |
private String password; | |
} |
- 相关属性
- value (默认): 设置数据库表字段名称
# 问题二:编码中添加了数据库中未定义的属性
# @TableField
public class User{ | |
@TableField(exist = false) | |
private Integer online; | |
} |
- 相关属性
- value: 设置数据库表字段名称
- <font style="color:red">exist: 设置属性在数据库表字段中是否存在,默认为 true, 此属性无法与 value 合并使用 </font>
# 问题三:采用默认查询开放了更多的字段查看权限
select id,name,pwd,age,tel,speciality from user |
- 可能会导致我们原本不想让密码的数据 d
- 设置字段不参与查询
# @TableField 设置字段不参与查询
public class User{ | |
@TableField(value="pwd",select=false) | |
private String password; | |
} |
- 相关属性:
- value: 设置数据库表字段名称
- exist: 设置属性在数据库表字段中是否存在,默认为 true, 此属性无法与 value 合并使用
- <font style="color:red">select: 设置属性是否参与查询,此属性与 select () 映射配置不冲突 </font>
# 问题四:表名与编码开发设计不同步
- 解决方案:
# @TableName
@TableName("tbl_user") | |
public class User{ | |
private Long id; | |
} |
- 相关属性
- value: 设置数据库表名称
# DML 编程控制
id 生成策略控制
- 不同的表应用不同的 id 生成策略
- 日志:自增 (1,2,3,4, ...)
- 购物订单:特殊规则 (FQ2398798AK82)
- 外卖单:关联地区日期等信息 (10 04 20200314 34 91)
- 关系表:可省略 id
- ...
# @TableId
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.AUTO) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
- 相关属性
- value: 设置数据库主键名称
- type: 设置主键属性的生成策略,值参照 IdType 枚举值
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.AUTO) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
使用数据 id 自增策略控制 id 生成
使用 sql 命令:alter table [表名] auto_increment = n 来设定一下自增的起步值
@Test | |
void insertTest(){ | |
Plusa p = new Plusa(); | |
p.setName("刘桑-c"); | |
p.setPwd("789"); | |
p.setAge(29); | |
p.setTel("3123"); | |
int i = plusMapper.insert(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "执行成功":"执行失败"); | |
} | |
----------------------------RUN---------------------------- | |
执行成功 | |
----------------------------MYSQL---------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | | |
| 4 | 小日子-刘桑 | it-小日子-刘桑 | 15 | 912837893759 | | |
| 5 | 刘桑-a | 123 | 30 | 3123 | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ |
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.INPUT) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
用户手工输入 id, 如果没有自增条件而又不输入 id 则报错 null
用户手工输入 id
@Test | |
void insertTest(){ | |
Plusa p = new Plusa(); | |
p.setId(10L); | |
p.setName("刘桑-c"); | |
p.setPwd("789"); | |
p.setAge(29); | |
p.setTel("3123"); | |
int i = plusMapper.insert(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "执行成功":"执行失败"); | |
} | |
----------------------------RUN---------------------------- | |
执行成功 | |
----------------------------MYSQL---------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | | |
| 4 | 小日子-刘桑 | it-小日子-刘桑 | 15 | 912837893759 | | |
| 5 | 刘桑-a | 123 | 30 | 3123 | | |
| 6 | 刘桑-b | 456 | 31 | 3123 | | |
| 7 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
| 8 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
| 9 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
| 10 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ |
alter table plus modify id bigint auto_increment;
@Test | |
void insertTest(){ | |
Plusa p = new Plusa(); | |
p.setName("刘桑-c"); | |
p.setPwd("789"); | |
p.setAge(29); | |
p.setTel("3123"); | |
int i = plusMapper.insert(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "执行成功":"执行失败"); | |
} | |
--------------------------RUN-------------------------- | |
执行成功 | |
--------------------------MYSQL-------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | | |
| 4 | 小日子-刘桑 | it-小日子-刘桑 | 15 | 912837893759 | | |
| 5 | 刘桑-a | 123 | 30 | 3123 | | |
| 6 | 刘桑-b | 456 | 31 | 3123 | | |
| 7 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
| 8 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
| 9 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ |
不设置 id 生成策略
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.NONE) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1635120592362332161 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ |
雪花算法生成 id (可兼容数值与字符串型)
雪花算法:生成一个串,串由 64 位二进制组成最终得到一个 Long 值
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
@Test | |
void insertTest(){ | |
Plusa p = new Plusa(); | |
// p.setId(12L); | |
p.setName("刘桑-c"); | |
p.setPwd("789"); | |
p.setAge(29); | |
p.setTel("3123"); | |
int i = plusMapper.insert(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "执行成功":"执行失败"); | |
} | |
-----------------------RUN----------------------- | |
执行成功 | |
-----------------------MYSQL----------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus;/ | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1635119016822366210 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
+---------------------+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ |
以 UUID 生成算法作为 id 生成策略
public class User{ | |
@TableId(type = IdType.ASSIGN_UUID) | |
private Long id; | |
} |
# yml 中设置全局配置 id 生成策略
mybatis-plus: | |
# 使用 全局配置 id 生成策略 | |
global-config: | |
db-config: | |
# 这条语句等同于 @TableId (type = IdType.AUTO) | |
id-type: auto | |
# 配置全局实体类名前缀让其与数据库表名称保持一致 | |
# table-prefix: tab_ |
- id 生成策略全局配置
- 表名前缀全局配置
# 多记录操作
- 按照主键删除多条记录
<font style="color:red">deleteBatchIds</font>
- 根据主键查询多条记录
<font style="color:red">selectBatchIds</font>
- 该方法接收的是 List 集合,来进行多条记录操作
# Delete
@Test | |
void deleteTest(){ | |
List<Long> list = new ArrayList<>(); | |
list.add(4L); | |
list.add(5L); | |
list.add(6L); | |
list.add(7L); | |
int i = plusMapper.deleteBatchIds(list); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "执行成功":"执行失败"); | |
} | |
---------------------------RUN--------------------------- | |
执行成功 | |
---------------------------MYSQL--------------------------- | |
---------------------------MYSQL--Before--------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | | |
| 4 | 小日子-刘桑 | it-小日子-刘桑 | 15 | 912837893759 | | |
| 5 | 刘桑-a | 123 | 30 | 3123 | | |
| 6 | 刘桑-b | 456 | 31 | 3123 | | |
| 7 | 刘桑-c | 789 | 29 | 3123 | | |
+----+-------------+----------------+-----+--------------+ | |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec) | |
---------------------------MYSQL--After--------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+ |
# Select
@Test | |
void deleteTest(){ | |
List<Long> list = new ArrayList<>(); | |
list.add(1L); | |
list.add(2L); | |
list.add(3L); | |
List<Plusa> plusas = plusMapper.selectBatchIds(list); | |
for(Plusa i:plusas){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} | |
} | |
--------------------------RUN-------------------------- | |
Plusa(id=1, name=张三, pwd=法外狂徒, age=3, tel=1122) | |
Plusa(id=2, name=张三, pwd=法外狂徒, age=4, tel=2233) | |
Plusa(id=3, name=Jock, pwd=123456, age=41, tel=867862342) |
# 逻辑删除
- 删除操作业务问题:业务数据从数据库中丢弃
- 逻辑删除:为数据设置是否可用状态字段,删除时设置状态字段为不可用状态,数据保留在数据库中
- 数据库表中添加逻辑删除标记字段
- 实体类中添加对应字段,并设定当前字段为逻辑删除字段
public class User{ | |
private Long id; | |
@TableLogic | |
private Integer deleted; | |
} |
- 配置逻辑删除字面值
mybatis-plus: | |
configuration: | |
log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl | |
global-config: | |
db-config: | |
logic-delete-field: deleted | |
#1 代表已经删除 | |
logic-delete-value: 1 | |
#0 代表没有删除 | |
logic-not-delete-value: 0 |
执行的 java 代码
@Test | |
void deleteTest1(){ | |
int i = plusMapper.deleteById(1L); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "删除成功":"删除失败"); | |
} |
Preparing: UPDATE plus SET deleted=1 WHERE id=? AND deleted=0 |
mysql> select * from plus;
| id | name | password | age | tel | deleted |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | 1 |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | 1 |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | 0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- domain
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
@Data | |
// 设置数据库表的名称,解决实体类与数据库表名不一致情况 | |
@TableName("plus") | |
public class Plusa { | |
// @TableId(type = IdType.NONE) | |
private Long id; | |
private String name; | |
// 设置数据库表的字段名称,解决字段名不一致,select=false 该字段不参与查询 | |
@TableField(value="password",select=true) | |
private String pwd; | |
private Integer age; | |
private String tel; | |
// 是否在线 | |
@TableField(exist = false) | |
private Integer online; | |
// 逻辑删除字段:标记当前记录是否被删除 | |
@TableLogic(value = "0",delval = "1") | |
private Integer deleted; | |
} |
- test
@Test | |
void deleteTest1(){ | |
int i = plusMapper.deleteById(2L); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "删除成功":"删除失败"); | |
} | |
------------------------------RUN------------------------------ | |
执行成功 | |
------------------------------MYSQL------------------------------ | |
------------------------------Before------------------------------ | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | deleted | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | 0 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | 0 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | 0 | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec) | |
------------------------------After------------------------------ | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | deleted | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | 0 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | 1 | | |
| 3 | Jock | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | 0 | | |
+----+------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+ |
- 执行一下查询看看 deleted 为 1 的数据是否会被查询出来
@Test | |
void selectTest1(){ | |
List<Plusa> list = plusMapper.selectList(null); | |
for(Plusa i:list){ | |
System.out.println(i); | |
} | |
} | |
----------------------------RUN---------------------------- | |
Plusa(id=1, name=张三, pwd=法外狂徒, age=3, tel=1122, online=null, deleted=0) | |
Plusa(id=3, name=Jock, pwd=123456, age=41, tel=867862342, online=null, deleted=0) | |
==> Preparing: SELECT id,name,password AS pwd,age,tel,deleted FROM plus WHERE deleted=0 |
要注意使用 deleted 而不是 delete 会报错因为这是个关键字
不要查询 deleted 逻辑删除字段为 1 的因为被判定为删除查询时 deleted = 0 导致查询不出结果
# 乐观锁
不要查询 deleted 逻辑删除字段为 1 的因为被判定为删除查询时 deleted = 0 导致查询不出结果
- 数据库表中添加锁标记字段
- 实体类中添加对应字段,并设定当前字段为逻辑删除标记字段
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
// 设置数据库表的名称,解决实体类与数据库表名不一致情况 | |
@TableName("plus") | |
@Data | |
public class Plusa { | |
// @TableId(type = IdType.NONE) | |
private Long id; | |
private String name; | |
// 设置数据库表的字段名称,解决字段名不一致,select=false 该字段不参与查询 | |
@TableField(value="password",select=true) | |
private String pwd; | |
private Integer age; | |
private String tel; | |
// 是否在线 | |
@TableField(exist = false) | |
private Integer online; | |
// 逻辑删除字段:标记当前记录是否被删除 | |
// @TableLogic(value = "0",delval = "1") | |
private Integer deleted; | |
@Version | |
private Integer version; | |
} |
- 配置乐观锁拦截器实现锁机制对应的动态 SQL 语句拼装
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
@Configuration | |
public class MPConfig { | |
@Bean | |
public MybatisPlusInterceptor getMybatisPlusInterceptor(){ | |
MybatisPlusInterceptor m = new MybatisPlusInterceptor(); | |
m.addInnerInterceptor(new PaginationInnerInterceptor()); | |
m.addInnerInterceptor(new OptimisticLockerInnerInterceptor()); | |
return m; | |
} | |
} |
- 测试代码
@Test | |
void updateTest(){ | |
Plusa p = plusMapper.selectById(3L);//version = 2 | |
Plusa p1 = plusMapper.selectById(3L);// 更新失败,因为当这个执行的时候 version 已经不是之前的了被修改过了 | |
p.setName("张三aaa"); | |
int i = plusMapper.updateById(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "更新成功":"更新失败"); | |
p1.setName("张三bbb"); | |
int i1 = plusMapper.updateById(p1); | |
System.out.println(i1 > 0 ? "更新成功":"更新失败"); | |
} | |
-----------------------------RUN----------------------------- | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@325162e9] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: SELECT id,name,password AS pwd,age,tel,deleted,version FROM plus WHERE id=? AND deleted=0 | |
==> Parameters: 3(Long) | |
<== Columns: id, name, pwd, age, tel, deleted, version | |
<== Row: 3, 李四, 123456, 41, 867862342, 0, 2 | |
<== Total: 1 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@23121d14] | |
Creating a new SqlSession | |
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6a8a551e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@325162e9] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: UPDATE plus SET name=?, password=?, age=?, tel=?, version=? WHERE id=? AND version=? AND deleted=0 | |
==> Parameters: 张三aaa(String), 123456(String), 41(Integer), 867862342(String), 3(Integer), 3(Long), 2(Integer) | |
<== Updates: 1 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6a8a551e] | |
更新成功 | |
Creating a new SqlSession | |
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@407b8435] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@325162e9] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: UPDATE plus SET name=?, password=?, age=?, tel=?, version=? WHERE id=? AND version=? AND deleted=0 | |
==> Parameters: 张三bbb(String), 123456(String), 41(Integer), 867862342(String), 3(Integer), 3(Long), 2(Integer) | |
<== Updates: 0 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@407b8435] | |
更新失败 | |
Process finished with exit code 0 | |
-----------------------------MYSQL----------------------------- | |
-----------------------------Before----------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | deleted | version | | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | 1 | 1 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | 1 | 1 | | |
| 3 | 张三aaa | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | 0 | 2 | | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec) | |
-----------------------------After----------------------------- | |
mysql> select * from plus; | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
| id | name | password | age | tel | deleted | version | | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
| 1 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 3 | 1122 | 1 | 1 | | |
| 2 | 张三 | 法外狂徒 | 4 | 2233 | 1 | 1 | | |
| 3 | 张三aaa | 123456 | 41 | 867862342 | 0 | 3 | | |
+----+---------+----------+-----+-----------+---------+---------+ | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
- 使用乐观锁机制在修改前必须先获取到对应数据的 version 方可正常进行
@Test | |
void arTest(){ | |
// 先通过 id 查询出一行数据,也获取到 version 的数据 | |
Plusa p = plusMapper.selectById(3L); | |
p.setName("刘桑"); | |
// 再进行修改的操作此时对象中 setName 对 name 进行了修改而查询中也查出一行的数据其中 包含了 version 没有 version 就会报错 | |
int i = plusMapper.updateById(p); | |
System.out.println(i > 0 ? "更新成功":"更新失败"); | |
} | |
------------------------------------RUN------------------------------------ | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@2365ea38] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: SELECT id,name,password AS pwd,age,tel,deleted,version FROM plus WHERE id=? AND deleted=0 | |
==> Parameters: 3(Long) | |
<== Columns: id, name, pwd, age, tel, deleted, version | |
<== Row: 3, 张三aaa, 123456, 41, 867862342, 0, 3 | |
<== Total: 1 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6df4af5] | |
Creating a new SqlSession | |
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cd5fcf4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active | |
JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@2365ea38] will not be managed by Spring | |
==> Preparing: UPDATE plus SET name=?, password=?, age=?, tel=?, version=? WHERE id=? AND version=? AND deleted=0 | |
==> Parameters: 刘桑(String), 123456(String), 41(Integer), 867862342(String), 4(Integer), 3(Long), 3(Integer) | |
<== Updates: 1 | |
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cd5fcf4] | |
更新成功 | |
Process finished with exit code 0 |
==> Preparing: SELECT id,name,password AS pwd,age,tel,deleted,version FROM plus WHERE id=? AND deleted=0
执行修改时使用 version 字段作为乐观锁检查依据
==> Preparing: UPDATE plus SET name=?, password=?, age=?, tel=?, version=? WHERE id=? AND version=? AND deleted=0
- 每个人拿到的锁是不一样的,只有自己的那个版本操作完后让版本叠加,下一个人才可以进行操作
# 需要注意的两点
# 快速开发
# 代码生成器
模板:MyBatisPlus 提供
# 代码生成器
<!-- 模板引擎 --> | |
<dependency> | |
<groupId>org.apache.velocity</groupId> | |
<artifactId>velocity-engine-core</artifactId> | |
<version>2.3</version> | |
</dependency> | |
<!-- 代码生成器 --> | |
<dependency> | |
<groupId>com.baomidou</groupId> | |
<artifactId>mybatis-plus-generator</artifactId> | |
<version>3.4.1</version> | |
</dependency> |
- 创建代码生成器核心代码类
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.DbType; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.AutoGenerator; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.DataSourceConfig; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.GlobalConfig; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.PackageConfig; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.StrategyConfig; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.rules.NamingStrategy; | |
@SuppressWarnings("all") | |
public class CodeGet { | |
public static void main(String[] args) { | |
// 创建代码生成器对象 | |
AutoGenerator autogenerator = new AutoGenerator(); | |
DataSourceConfig d = new DataSourceConfig(); | |
d.setDriverName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"); | |
// 记得更改自己的数据信息否则会报错 | |
d.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/?characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=UTC&useUnicode=true"); | |
d.setUsername(""); | |
d.setPassword(""); | |
d.setDbType(DbType.MYSQL); | |
autogenerator.setDataSource(d); | |
// 设置全局配置 | |
GlobalConfig globalConfig = new GlobalConfig(); | |
String projectPath = System.getProperty("user.dir"); | |
System.out.println(projectPath); | |
globalConfig.setOutputDir(projectPath+"\\src\\main\\java"); | |
globalConfig.setOpen(false);// 设置生成完毕后是否打开生成代码所在位置 | |
globalConfig.setAuthor("dkx");// 设置作者 | |
globalConfig.setFileOverride(true);// 设置是否覆盖原始生成的文件 | |
globalConfig.setMapperName("%sMapper");// 设置数据层接口名 % s 为占位符,指代模块名称 | |
globalConfig.setServiceName("%sService"); | |
globalConfig.setIdType(IdType.AUTO);// 设置 Id 生成策略 | |
autogenerator.setGlobalConfig(globalConfig); | |
// 设置包名相关配置 | |
PackageConfig p = new PackageConfig(); | |
p.setParent("com.dkx");// 设置生成的包名,与代码所在位置不冲突,二者叠加组成完整路径 | |
p.setModuleName("system");// 模块名 | |
p.setController("controller"); | |
p.setEntity("domain");// 设置实体类包名 | |
p.setService("service"); | |
p.setMapper("mapper");// 设置数据层包名 | |
autogenerator.setPackageInfo(p); | |
StrategyConfig s = new StrategyConfig(); | |
// 指定生成哪个表 | |
// s.setInclude(""); | |
// 表名的生成策略:下划线转驼峰 pms_product -- PmsProduct | |
s.setNaming(NamingStrategy.underline_to_camel); | |
// 列名的生成策略: 下划线转驼峰 last_name -- lastName | |
s.setColumnNaming(NamingStrategy.underline_to_camel); | |
s.setTablePrefix("tbl_");// 设置当前参与生成的表名,参数为可变参数 | |
s.setRestControllerStyle(true);// 设置数据库表的前缀名称,模块名 = 数据库表名 - 前缀名 | |
s.setVersionFieldName("version");// 设置乐观锁字段名 | |
s.setLogicDeleteFieldName("deleted");// 设置逻辑删除字段名 | |
s.setEntityLombokModel(true);// 设置是否启用 lombok | |
autogenerator.setStrategy(s); | |
autogenerator.execute(); | |
} | |
} |
# 代码生成可能遇到的问题