自定义动态 sql
public static String getSumSql(String caseField, List caseList, String valueColumn, boolean isRound) { | |
List<String> sumSqlList = new ArrayList<>(); | |
for (Object groupValue : caseList) { | |
String sumSql = " sum(CASE WHEN {} = '{}' THEN {} ELSE 0 END) AS \"{}\" "; | |
if (isRound) { | |
sumSql = " round(sum(CASE WHEN {} = '{}' THEN {} ELSE 0 END),2) AS \"{}\" "; | |
} | |
sumSqlList.add(StrUtil.format(sumSql, caseField, groupValue, valueColumn, groupValue)); | |
} | |
return StrUtil.join(",", sumSqlList); | |
} |
这个代码会动态的返回 sql 如下:
sum(CASE WHEN xxx = 2024 THEN xxx ELSE 0 END) AS "2024",sum(CASE WHEN xxx = 2023 THEN xxx ELSE 0 END) AS "2023",sum(CASE WHEN xxx = 2025 THEN xxx ELSE 0 END) AS "2025" |
编写 warpper
private List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalResultsByGasType(String analysisId, String codeList, String name, String manBody | |
, List<Integer> groups, String totalType, String showType) { | |
MPJLambdaWrapper<YearLngGasSupply> wrapper = new MPJLambdaWrapper(); | |
String sumSql = JsonToSqlUtil.getSumSql("year", groups, "supply".equals(showType) ? "plan_supply_num" : "load_rate", true); | |
wrapper.eq(YearLngGasSupply::getAnalysisId, analysisId); | |
if (ObjUtil.isNotEmpty(codeList)) { | |
wrapper.in(YearLngGasSupply::getAdministrativeDivisionCode, codeList.split(",")); | |
} | |
if (ObjUtil.isNotEmpty(manBody)) { | |
wrapper.in(YearLngGasSupply::getMainBody, manBody.split(",")); | |
} | |
wrapper.like(ObjUtil.isNotEmpty(name), YearLngGasSupply::getResourceName, name); | |
wrapper.eq(YearLngGasSupply::getIsDeleted, FieldState.DELETE_NO); | |
return yearLngGasSupplyMapper.getTotalResultsByGasType(wrapper, sumSql, totalType, analysisId); | |
} |
编写 sql
@Select(" with base_table as (\n" + | |
" select ${sumSql}," + | |
" '${mainBody}' as main_body,'' as resource_name,'' as resource_code,\n" + | |
" '' as administrative_division_name,'' as administrative_division_code, '0' as can_edit" + | |
" ,'' as gas_import_capacity" + | |
" ,'' as design_accept_scale" + | |
" ,'' as use_time" + | |
" FROM pro_sup_year_lng_gas_supply t " + | |
" ${ew.customSqlSegment}\n" + | |
" and t.resource_code not in (select resource_code from pro_sup_resource_config t" + | |
" where t.analysis_id=#{analysisId} and is_deleted = 0 and is_join_supply=1)" + | |
")\n" + | |
" SELECT a.main_body, '0' AS disabled, t.* FROM ( SELECT '${mainBody}' as main_body) a LEFT JOIN base_table t ON 1=1 ") | |
List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalResultsByGasType(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<YearLngGasSupply> queryWrapper | |
, @Param("sumSql") String sumSql, @Param("mainBody") String mainBody, @Param("analysisId") String analysisId); |
# 介绍
# Mybatis-plus:${ew.custcomSqlSegment} 用法
# entity
package com.poilearn.entity; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId; | |
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName; | |
import java.io.Serializable; | |
import java.math.BigDecimal; | |
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; | |
import lombok.Getter; | |
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; | |
import lombok.Setter; | |
/** | |
* <p> | |
* 商品表 | |
* </p> | |
* | |
* @author dkx | |
* @since 2024-09-08 | |
*/ | |
@Getter | |
@Setter | |
@AllArgsConstructor | |
@NoArgsConstructor | |
@TableName("tab_shop") | |
public class Shop implements Serializable { | |
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; | |
/** | |
* 主键 | |
*/ | |
@TableId(value = "id", type = IdType.ASSIGN_UUID) | |
private Long id; | |
/** | |
* 商品名称 | |
*/ | |
@TableField("name") | |
private String name; | |
/** | |
* 商品描述 | |
*/ | |
@TableField("description") | |
private String description; | |
/** | |
* 商品类型 | |
*/ | |
@TableField("type") | |
private String type; | |
/** | |
* 商品价格 | |
*/ | |
@TableField("price") | |
private BigDecimal price; | |
} |
# mapper
@Mapper | |
public interface ShopMapper extends BaseMapper<Shop> { | |
@Select( | |
"SELECT * FROM tab_shop\n" + | |
"${ew.customSqlSegment}" | |
) | |
List<Shop> queryList(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<Shop> wrapper); | |
} |
# serviceImpl
@Service | |
public class ShopServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ShopMapper, Shop> implements IShopService { | |
@Autowired | |
private ShopMapper shopMapper; | |
@Override | |
public List<Shop> queryList(String name) { | |
return shopMapper.queryList(Wrappers.<Shop>lambdaQuery().like(!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name), Shop::getName, name)); | |
} | |
} |
# controller
@RestController | |
@RequestMapping("/poilearn/shop") | |
public class ShopController { | |
@Autowired | |
private IShopService iShopService; | |
@GetMapping("/all") | |
public List<Shop> query(@RequestParam(value = "name", required = false) String name) { | |
return iShopService.queryList(name); | |
} | |
} |
# Mybatis-plus:${ew.sqlSelect} 用法
# entity
# mapper
@Mapper | |
public interface ShopMapper extends BaseMapper<Shop> { | |
@Select( | |
"SELECT ${ew.sqlSelect} FROM tab_shop\n" + | |
"${ew.customSqlSegment}" | |
) | |
List<Shop> selectOrList(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<Shop> wrapper); | |
} |
# serviceImpl
@Service | |
public class ShopServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ShopMapper, Shop> implements IShopService { | |
@Override | |
public List<Shop> selectOrList(String name) { | |
return shopMapper.selectOrList(Wrappers.<Shop>lambdaQuery().select(Shop::getName, Shop::getDescription).like(!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name), Shop::getName, name)); | |
} | |
} |
# controller
@RestController | |
@RequestMapping("/poilearn/shop") | |
public class ShopController { | |
@Autowired | |
private IShopService iShopService; | |
@GetMapping("/selectOrList") | |
public List<Shop> selectOrList(@RequestParam(value = "name", required = false) String name) { | |
return iShopService.selectOrList(name); | |
} | |
} |