# 安装插件
本地搜索通过 hexo-generator-searchdb 插件实现,需要先安装插件。
如果安装不成功就使用 yarn 安装
npm install hexo-generator-searchdb |
# 修改 page.js
shoka/source/js/_app/page.js 中 localSearch () 修改后的文件如下,将整个 localSearch 复制到主题的 shoka/source/js/_app/page.js 中即可。
const localSearch = function(pjax) { | |
// 参考 hexo next 主题的配置方法 | |
// 参考 https://qiuyiwu.github.io/2019/01/25/Hexo-LocalSearch/ 博文 | |
if(CONFIG.localSearch === null) | |
return | |
if(!siteSearch) { | |
siteSearch = BODY.createChild('div', { | |
id: 'search', | |
innerHTML: '<div class="inner"><div class="header"><span class="icon"><i class="ic i-search"></i></span><div class="search-input-container"><input class="search-input"autocompvare="off"placeholder="'+LOCAL.search.placeholder+'"spellcheck="false"type="text"id="local-search-input"></div><span class="close-btn"><i class="ic i-times-circle"></i></span></div><div class="results"id="search-results"><div class="inner"><div id="search-stats"></div><div id="search-hits"></div><div id="search-pagination"></div></div></div></div></div>' | |
}); | |
} | |
var isFetched = false; | |
var datas; | |
var isXml = true; | |
var current_page = 0; | |
var pageSize = parseInt(CONFIG.localSearch.pageSize, 10); | |
if(isNaN(pageSize)) pageSize = 10; | |
var total_pages = 0; | |
var max_page_on_show = 7; // 一次最多显示 7 个页码 | |
var start_page = 0; | |
var end_page = 0; | |
var resultItems = []; | |
// search DB path | |
var searchPath = CONFIG.localSearch.path; | |
if (searchPath.length == 0) { | |
searchPath = 'search.xml'; | |
} else if (searchPath.endsWith('json')) { | |
isXml = false; | |
} | |
const input = $('.search-input'); // document.querySelector('.search-input'); | |
const resultContent = document.getElementById('search-hits'); | |
const paginationContent = document.getElementById('search-pagination'); | |
const getIndexByWord = function(word, text, caseSensitive) { | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.unescape) { | |
var div = document.createElement('div'); | |
div.innerText = word; | |
word = div.innerHTML; | |
} | |
var wordLen = word.length; | |
if (wordLen === 0) { | |
return []; | |
} | |
var startPosition = 0; | |
var position = []; | |
var index = []; | |
if (!caseSensitive) { | |
text = text.toLowerCase(); | |
word = word.toLowerCase(); | |
} | |
while ((position = text.indexOf(word, startPosition)) > -1) { | |
index.push({position:position, word:word}); | |
startPosition = position + wordLen; | |
} | |
return index; | |
}; | |
// Merge hits into slices | |
const mergeIntoSlice = function(start, end, index, searchText) { | |
var item = index[index.length - 1]; | |
var position = item.position; | |
var word = item.word; | |
var hits = []; | |
var searchTextCountInSlice = 0; | |
while (position + word.length <= end && index.length !== 0) { | |
if (word === searchText) { | |
searchTextCountInSlice++; | |
} | |
hits.push({ | |
position:position, | |
length: word.length | |
}); | |
var wordEnd = position + word.length; | |
// Move to next position of hit | |
index.pop(); | |
while (index.length !== 0) { | |
item = index[index.length - 1]; | |
position = item.position; | |
word = item.word; | |
if (wordEnd > position) { | |
index.pop(); | |
} else { | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return { | |
hits:hits, | |
start:start, | |
end:end, | |
searchTextCount: searchTextCountInSlice | |
}; | |
} | |
// Highlight title and content | |
const highlightKeyword = function(text, slice) { | |
var result = ''; | |
var prevEnd = slice.start; | |
slice.hits.forEach(function(hit) { | |
result += text.substring(prevEnd, hit.position); | |
var end = hit.position + hit.length; | |
result += '<mark>'+ text.substring(hit.position, end)+'</mark>'; | |
prevEnd = end; | |
}); | |
result += text.substring(prevEnd, slice.end); | |
return result; | |
}; | |
const pagination = function() { | |
const addPrevPage = function(current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = ''; | |
if (current_page === 0) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item disabled-item'; | |
numberContent = '<span class="#search-pagination page-number"><i class="ic i-angle-left"></i></span>'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number" aria-label="Prev" href="#"><i class="ic i-angle-left"></i></a>'; | |
} | |
var prevPage = '<li class="'+ classContent +'" id="prev-page">'+ numberContent+'</li>'; | |
return prevPage; | |
}; | |
const addNextPage = function(current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = ''; | |
if ((current_page + 1) === total_pages) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item disabled-item'; | |
numberContent = '<span class="#search-pagination page-number"><i class="ic i-angle-right"></i></span>'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number"aria-label="Next"href="#"><i class="ic i-angle-right"></i></a>'; | |
} | |
var nextPage = '<li class="' + classContent +'"id="next-page">'+ numberContent +'</li>'; | |
return nextPage; | |
}; | |
const addPage = function(index, current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number"aria-label="'+ (index + 1) +'"href="#">'+(index+1)+'</a>'; | |
if (index === current_page) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item current'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
} | |
var page = '<li class="'+classContent+'" id="page-'+(index + 1)+'">'+numberContent+'</li>'; | |
return page; | |
} | |
const addPaginationEvents = function(start_page, end_page) { | |
if (total_pages <= 0) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const onPrevPageClick = function(event) { | |
if (current_page > 0) { | |
current_page -= 1; | |
} | |
if (current_page < start_page) { | |
start_page = current_page; | |
end_page = Math.min(end_page, start_page + max_page_on_show); | |
} | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
const onNextPageClick = function(event) { | |
if ((current_page + 1) < total_pages) { | |
current_page += 1; | |
} | |
if (current_page > end_page) { | |
end_page = current_page; | |
start_page = Math.max(0, end_page - max_page_on_show); | |
} | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
const onPageClick = function(event) { | |
var page_number = parseInt(event.target.ariaLabel); | |
current_page = page_number - 1; // note minus 1 here | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
var prevPage = document.getElementById('prev-page'); | |
if(prevPage != null)prevPage.addEventListener('click', onPrevPageClick); | |
var nextPage = document.getElementById('next-page'); | |
if(nextPage != null) nextPage.addEventListener('click', onNextPageClick); | |
for (var i = start_page; i < end_page; i += 1) { | |
var page = document.getElementById('page-'+(i + 1)); | |
if(page != null)page.addEventListener('click', onPageClick); | |
} | |
}; | |
paginationContent.innerHTML = ''; // clear | |
var begin_index = Math.min(current_page * pageSize, resultItems.length); | |
var end_index = Math.min(begin_index + pageSize, resultItems.length); | |
resultContent.innerHTML = resultItems.slice(begin_index, end_index).map(function(result) {return result.item}).join(''); | |
start_page = Math.max(0, total_pages - max_page_on_show); | |
end_page = start_page + Math.min(total_pages, max_page_on_show); | |
var pageContent = '<div class="#search-pagination">'; | |
pageContent += '<div class="#search-pagination pagination">'; | |
pageContent += '<ul>'; | |
if (total_pages > 0) { | |
// add prev page arrow, when no prev page not selectable | |
pageContent += addPrevPage(current_page); | |
for (var i = start_page; i < end_page; i += 1) { | |
pageContent += addPage(i, current_page); | |
} | |
// add next page arrow, when no next page not selectable | |
pageContent += addNextPage(current_page); | |
} | |
pageContent += '</ul>'; | |
pageContent += '</div>'; | |
pageContent += '</div>'; | |
paginationContent.innerHTML = pageContent; | |
addPaginationEvents(start_page, end_page); | |
resultContent.scrollTop = 0; // scroll to top | |
window.pjax && window.pjax.refresh(resultContent); | |
}; | |
const inputEventFunction = function() { | |
if (!isFetched) { | |
console.log("Data not fetched."); | |
return; | |
} | |
var searchText = input.value.trim().toLowerCase(); | |
var keywords = searchText.split(/[-\s]+/); | |
if (keywords.length > 1) { | |
keywords.push(searchText); | |
} | |
resultItems = []; | |
if (searchText.length > 0) { | |
// Perform local searching | |
datas.forEach(function(index) { | |
var categories = index.categories, title=index.title, content=index.content, url=index.url; | |
var titleInLowerCase = title.toLowerCase(); | |
var contentInLowerCase = content.toLowerCase(); | |
var indexOfTitle = []; | |
var indexOfContent = []; | |
var searchTextCount = 0; | |
keywords.forEach( function(keyword) { | |
indexOfTitle = indexOfTitle.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, titleInLowerCase, false)); | |
indexOfContent = indexOfContent.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, contentInLowerCase, false)); | |
}); | |
// Show search results | |
if (indexOfTitle.length > 0 || indexOfContent.length > 0) { | |
var hitCount = indexOfTitle.length + indexOfContent.length; | |
// Sort index by position of keyword | |
[indexOfTitle, indexOfContent].forEach(function(index) { | |
index.sort(function(itemLeft, itemRight) { | |
if (itemRight.position !== itemLeft.position) { | |
return itemRight.position - itemLeft.position; | |
} | |
return itemLeft.word.length - item.word.length; | |
}); | |
}); | |
var slicesOfTitle = []; | |
if (indexOfTitle.length !== 0) { | |
var tmp = mergeIntoSlice(0, title.length, indexOfTitle, searchText); | |
searchTextCount += tmp.searchTextCountInSlice; | |
slicesOfTitle.push(tmp); | |
} | |
var slicesOfContent = []; | |
while (indexOfContent.length !== 0) { | |
var item = indexOfContent[indexOfContent.length - 1]; | |
var position = item.position; | |
var word = item.word; | |
// Cut out 100 characters | |
var start = position - 20; | |
var end = position + 30; | |
if (start < 0) { | |
start = 0; | |
} | |
if (end < position + word.length) { | |
end = position + word.length; | |
} | |
if (end > content.length) { | |
end = content.length; | |
} | |
var tmp = mergeIntoSlice(start, end, indexOfContent, searchText); | |
searchTextCount += tmp.searchTextCountInSlice; | |
slicesOfContent.push(tmp); | |
} | |
// Sort slices in content by search text's count and hits' count | |
slicesOfContent.sort( function(sliceLeft, sliceRight) { | |
if (sliceLeft.searchTextCount !== sliceRight.searchTextCount) { | |
return sliceRight.searchTextCount - sliceLeft.searchTextCount; | |
} else if (sliceLeft.hits.length !== sliceRight.hits.length) { | |
return sliceRight.hits.length - sliceLeft.hits.length; | |
} | |
return sliceLeft.start - sliceRight.start; | |
}); | |
// Select top N slices in content | |
var upperBound = parseInt(CONFIG.localSearch.pageSize, 10); | |
if (upperBound >= 0) { | |
slicesOfContent = slicesOfContent.slice(0, upperBound); | |
} | |
var resultItem = ''; | |
resultItem += '<div class="#search-hits item">'; | |
// resultItem += '<div class="#search-hits">'; | |
// resultItem += '<ol class="item">' | |
resultItem += '<li>' | |
// resultItem += '<li>'; | |
var cats = categories !== undefined ? '<span>' + categories.join('<i class="ic i-angle-right"></i>') + '</span>' : '<span>No categories</span>'; | |
resultItem += '<a href="'+url+'">' + cats; | |
if (slicesOfTitle.length !== 0) { | |
// resultItem += '<li><a href="'+url}">'+highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0])}</a>'; | |
resultItem += '<b>'+highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0])+'</b><br>'; | |
} else { | |
// resultItem += '<li><a href="'+url}">'+title}</a>'; | |
resultItem += '<b>'+title+'</b><br>'; | |
} | |
slicesOfContent.forEach(function(slice) { | |
return resultItem += '<li class="#search-hits subitem">'+highlightKeyword(content, slice)+' ...</li>'; | |
}); | |
// resultItem += '</li>'; | |
resultItem += '</a>'; | |
resultItem += '</li>'; | |
// resultItem += '</ol>'; | |
resultItem += '</div>'; | |
resultItems.push({ | |
item: resultItem, | |
id : resultItems.length, | |
hitCount:hitCount, | |
searchTextCount:searchTextCount | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
if (keywords.length === 1 && keywords[0] === '') { | |
resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i></i></div>'; | |
} else if (resultItems.length === 0) { | |
resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i></i></div>'; | |
} else { | |
resultItems.sort(function(resultLeft, resultRight) { | |
if (resultLeft.searchTextCount !== resultRight.searchTextCount) { | |
return resultRight.searchTextCount - resultLeft.searchTextCount; | |
} else if (resultLeft.hitCount !== resultRight.hitCount) { | |
return resultRight.hitCount - resultLeft.hitCount; | |
} | |
return resultRight.id - resultLeft.id; | |
}); | |
} | |
// Do pagination | |
total_pages = Math.ceil(resultItems.length / pageSize); | |
pagination(); | |
} | |
const fetchData = function() { | |
fetch(CONFIG.root + searchPath) | |
.then(function(response) {return response.text()} ) | |
.then( function(res) { | |
// Get the contents from search data | |
isFetched = true; | |
datas = isXml ? [new DOMParser().parseFromString(res, 'text/xml').querySelectorAll('entry')].map( function(element) { | |
return { | |
title : element.querySelector('title').textContent, | |
content: element.querySelector('content').textContent, | |
url : element.querySelector('url').textContent | |
}; | |
}) : JSON.parse(res); | |
// Only match articles with not empty titles | |
datas = datas.filter(function(data) {return data.title} ).map( function(data) { | |
data.title = data.title.trim(); | |
data.content = data.content ? data.content.trim().replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '') : ''; | |
data.url = decodeURIComponent(data.url).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/'); | |
return data; | |
}); | |
// Remove loading animation | |
document.getElementById('search-hits').innerHTML = '<i></i>'; | |
inputEventFunction(); | |
}); | |
}; | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.preload) { | |
console.log("fetch data."); | |
fetchData(); | |
} | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.trigger === 'auto') { | |
input.addEventListener('input', inputEventFunction); | |
} else { | |
document.querySelector('.search-icon').addEventListener('click', inputEventFunction); | |
input.addEventListener('keypress',function(event) { | |
if (event.key === 'Enter') { | |
inputEventFunction(); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
// Handle and trigger popup window | |
document.querySelectorAll('.popup-trigger').forEach( function(element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
document.querySelector('.search-pop-overlay').classList.add('search-active'); | |
input.focus(); | |
if (!isFetched) fetchData(); | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Handle and trigger popup window | |
$.each('.search', function(element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
transition(siteSearch, 'shrinkIn', function() { | |
$('.search-input').focus(); | |
}) // transition.shrinkIn | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Monitor main search box | |
const onPopupClose = function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = ''; | |
transition(siteSearch, 0); // "transition.shrinkOut" | |
}; | |
siteSearch.addEventListener('click', function(event) { | |
if (event.target === siteSearch) { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
$('.close-btn').addEventListener('click', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('pjax:success', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { | |
if (event.key === 'Escape') { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
}; |
注意:并不是将如上代码全部覆盖了原有的代码,而是将上面的代码 拷贝到原有代码的一个位置中即可,如果不知道放哪里看下面的全部代码。
const cardActive = function() { | |
if(!$('.index.wrap')) | |
return | |
if (!window.IntersectionObserver) { | |
$.each('.index.wrap article.item, .index.wrap section.item', function(article) { | |
if( article.hasClass("show") === false){ | |
article.addClass("show"); | |
} | |
}) | |
} else { | |
var io = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { | |
entries.forEach(function(article) { | |
if (article.target.hasClass("show")) { | |
io.unobserve(article.target) | |
} else { | |
if (article.isIntersecting || article.intersectionRatio > 0) { | |
article.target.addClass("show"); | |
io.unobserve(article.target); | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
}, { | |
root: null, | |
threshold: [0.3] | |
}); | |
$.each('.index.wrap article.item, .index.wrap section.item', function(article) { | |
io.observe(article) | |
}) | |
$('.index.wrap .item:first-child').addClass("show") | |
} | |
$.each('.cards .item', function(element, index) { | |
['mouseenter', 'touchstart'].forEach(function(item){ | |
element.addEventListener(item, function(event) { | |
if($('.cards .item.active')) { | |
$('.cards .item.active').removeClass('active') | |
} | |
element.addClass('active') | |
}) | |
}); | |
['mouseleave'].forEach(function(item){ | |
element.addEventListener(item, function(event) { | |
element.removeClass('active') | |
}) | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
const registerExtURL = function() { | |
$.each('span.exturl', function(element) { | |
var link = document.createElement('a'); | |
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30106476/using-javascripts-atob-to-decode-base64-doesnt-properly-decode-utf-8-strings | |
link.href = decodeURIComponent(atob(element.dataset.url).split('').map(function(c) { | |
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); | |
}).join('')); | |
link.rel = 'noopener external nofollow noreferrer'; | |
link.target = '_blank'; | |
link.className = element.className; | |
link.title = element.title || element.innerText; | |
link.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; | |
if(element.dataset.backgroundImage) { | |
link.dataset.backgroundImage = element.dataset.backgroundImage; | |
} | |
element.parentNode.replaceChild(link, element); | |
}); | |
} | |
const postFancybox = function(p) { | |
if($(p + ' .md img')) { | |
vendorCss('fancybox'); | |
vendorJs('fancybox', function() { | |
var q = jQuery.noConflict(); | |
$.each(p + ' p.gallery', function(element) { | |
var box = document.createElement('div'); | |
box.className = 'gallery'; | |
box.attr('data-height', element.attr('data-height')||220); | |
box.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(/<br>/g, "") | |
element.parentNode.insertBefore(box, element); | |
element.remove(); | |
}); | |
$.each(p + ' .md img:not(.emoji):not(.vemoji)', function(element) { | |
var $image = q(element); | |
var info, captionClass = 'image-info'; | |
if(!$image.is('a img')) { | |
var imageLink = $image.attr('data-src') || $image.attr('src'); | |
$image.data('safe-src', imageLink) | |
var $imageWrapLink = $image.wrap('<a class="fancybox" href="'+imageLink+'" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" itemprop="url"></a>').parent('a'); | |
if (!$image.is('.gallery img')) { | |
$imageWrapLink.attr('data-fancybox', 'default').attr('rel', 'default'); | |
} else { | |
captionClass = 'jg-caption' | |
} | |
} | |
if(info = element.attr('title')) { | |
$imageWrapLink.attr('data-caption', info); | |
var para = document.createElement('span'); | |
var txt = document.createTextNode(info); | |
para.appendChild(txt); | |
para.addClass(captionClass); | |
element.insertAfter(para); | |
} | |
}); | |
$.each(p + ' div.gallery', function (el, i) { | |
q(el).justifiedGallery({rowHeight: q(el).data('height')||120, rel: 'gallery-' + i}).on('jg.complete', function () { | |
q(this).find('a').each(function(k, ele) { | |
ele.attr('data-fancybox', 'gallery-' + i); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |
q.fancybox.defaults.hash = false; | |
q(p + ' .fancybox').fancybox({ | |
loop : true, | |
helpers: { | |
overlay: { | |
locked: false | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
}, window.jQuery); | |
} | |
} | |
const postBeauty = function () { | |
loadComments(); | |
if(!$('.md')) | |
return | |
postFancybox('.post.block'); | |
$('.post.block').oncopy = function(event) { | |
showtip(LOCAL.copyright) | |
if(LOCAL.nocopy) { | |
event.preventDefault() | |
return | |
} | |
var copyright = $('#copyright') | |
if(window.getSelection().toString().length > 30 && copyright) { | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
var author = "# " + copyright.child('.author').innerText | |
var link = "# " + copyright.child('.link').innerText | |
var license = "# " + copyright.child('.license').innerText | |
var htmlData = author + "<br>" + link + "<br>" + license + "<br><br>" + window.getSelection().toString().replace(/\r\n/g, "<br>");; | |
var textData = author + "\n" + link + "\n" + license + "\n\n" + window.getSelection().toString().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); | |
if (event.clipboardData) { | |
event.clipboardData.setData("text/html", htmlData); | |
event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", textData); | |
} else if (window.clipboardData) { | |
return window.clipboardData.setData("text", textData); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$.each('li ruby', function(element) { | |
var parent = element.parentNode; | |
if(element.parentNode.tagName != 'LI') { | |
parent = element.parentNode.parentNode; | |
} | |
parent.addClass('ruby'); | |
}) | |
$.each('ol[start]', function(element) { | |
element.style.counterReset = "counter " + parseInt(element.attr('start') - 1) | |
}) | |
$.each('.md table', function (element) { | |
element.wrap({ | |
className: 'table-container' | |
}); | |
}); | |
$.each('.highlight > .table-container', function (element) { | |
element.className = 'code-container' | |
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$.each('figure.highlight', function (element) { | |
var code_container = element.child('.code-container'); | |
var caption = element.child('figcaption'); | |
element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="operation"><span class="breakline-btn"><i class="ic i-align-left"></i></span><span class="copy-btn"><i class="ic i-clipboard"></i></span><span class="fullscreen-btn"><i class="ic i-expand"></i></span></div>'); | |
var copyBtn = element.child('.copy-btn'); | |
if(LOCAL.nocopy) { | |
copyBtn.remove() | |
} else { | |
copyBtn.addEventListener('click', function (event) { | |
var target = event.currentTarget; | |
var comma = '', code = ''; | |
code_container.find('pre').forEach(function(line) { | |
code += comma + line.innerText; | |
comma = '\n' | |
}) | |
clipBoard(code, function(result) { | |
target.child('.ic').className = result ? 'ic i-check' : 'ic i-times'; | |
target.blur(); | |
showtip(LOCAL.copyright); | |
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element.addClass('breakline'); | |
target.child('.ic').className = 'ic i-align-justify'; | |
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element.removeClass('fullscreen'); | |
element.scrollTop = 0; | |
BODY.removeClass('fullscreen'); | |
fullscreenBtn.child('.ic').className = 'ic i-expand'; | |
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var hideCode = function() { | |
code_container.style.maxHeight = "300px" | |
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element.style.maxWidth = '' | |
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$.each('.reward button', function (element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
var qr = $('#qr') | |
if(qr.display() === 'inline-flex') { | |
transition(qr, 0) | |
} else { | |
transition(qr, 1, function() { | |
qr.display('inline-flex') | |
}) // slideUpBigIn | |
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//quiz | |
$.each('.quiz > ul.options li', function (element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { | |
if (element.hasClass('correct')) { | |
element.toggleClass('right') | |
element.parentNode.parentNode.addClass('show') | |
} else { | |
element.toggleClass('wrong') | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
$.each('.quiz > p', function (element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { | |
element.parentNode.toggleClass('show') | |
}); | |
}); | |
$.each('.quiz > p:first-child', function (element) { | |
var quiz = element.parentNode; | |
var type = 'choice' | |
if(quiz.hasClass('true') || quiz.hasClass('false')) | |
type = 'true_false' | |
if(quiz.hasClass('multi')) | |
type = 'multiple' | |
if(quiz.hasClass('fill')) | |
type = 'gap_fill' | |
if(quiz.hasClass('essay')) | |
type = 'essay' | |
element.attr('data-type', LOCAL.quiz[type]) | |
}); | |
$.each('.quiz .mistake', function (element) { | |
element.attr('data-type', LOCAL.quiz.mistake) | |
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$.each('div.tags a', function(element) { | |
element.className = ['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)] | |
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type: element.attr('data-type'), | |
mode: 'order', | |
btns: [] | |
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// tab | |
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$.each('div.tab', function(element, index) { | |
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showBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) { | |
pageScroll(box) | |
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element.parentNode.insertBefore(box, element); | |
first_tab = true; | |
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className: 'nav', | |
innerHTML: '<ul></ul>' | |
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innerHTML: title | |
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li.addClass('active'); | |
element.addClass('active'); | |
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li.addEventListener('click', function(event) { | |
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box.find('.active').forEach(function(el) { | |
el.removeClass('active'); | |
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element.addClass('active'); | |
target.addClass('active'); | |
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box.appendChild(element); | |
element.attr('data-ready', true) | |
}); | |
} | |
const loadComments = function () { | |
var element = $('#comments'); | |
if (!element) { | |
goToComment.display("none") | |
return; | |
} else { | |
goToComment.display("") | |
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if (!window.IntersectionObserver) { | |
vendorCss('valine'); | |
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var io = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) { | |
var entry = entries[0]; | |
vendorCss('valine'); | |
if (entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio > 0) { | |
transition($('#comments'), 'bounceUpIn'); | |
observer.disconnect(); | |
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io.observe(element); | |
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const algoliaSearch = function(pjax) { | |
if(CONFIG.search === null) | |
return | |
if(!siteSearch) { | |
siteSearch = BODY.createChild('div', { | |
id: 'search', | |
innerHTML: '<div class="inner"><div class="header"><span class="icon"><i class="ic i-search"></i></span><div class="search-input-container"></div><span class="close-btn"><i class="ic i-times-circle"></i></span></div><div class="results"><div class="inner"><div id="search-stats"></div><div id="search-hits"></div><div id="search-pagination"></div></div></div></div>' | |
}); | |
} | |
var search = instantsearch({ | |
indexName: CONFIG.search.indexName, | |
searchClient : algoliasearch(CONFIG.search.appID, CONFIG.search.apiKey), | |
searchFunction: function(helper) { | |
var searchInput = $('.search-input'); | |
if (searchInput.value) { | |
helper.search(); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
search.on('render', function() { | |
pjax.refresh($('#search-hits')); | |
}); | |
// Registering Widgets | |
search.addWidgets([ | |
instantsearch.widgets.configure({ | |
hitsPerPage: CONFIG.search.hits.per_page || 10 | |
}), | |
instantsearch.widgets.searchBox({ | |
container : '.search-input-container', | |
placeholder : LOCAL.search.placeholder, | |
// Hide default icons of algolia search | |
showReset : false, | |
showSubmit : false, | |
showLoadingIndicator: false, | |
cssClasses : { | |
input: 'search-input' | |
} | |
}), | |
instantsearch.widgets.stats({ | |
container: '#search-stats', | |
templates: { | |
text: function(data) { | |
var stats = LOCAL.search.stats | |
.replace(/\$\{hits}/, data.nbHits) | |
.replace(/\$\{time}/, data.processingTimeMS); | |
return stats + '<span class="algolia-powered"></span><hr>'; | |
} | |
} | |
}), | |
instantsearch.widgets.hits({ | |
container: '#search-hits', | |
templates: { | |
item: function(data) { | |
var cats = data.categories ? '<span>'+data.categories.join('<i class="ic i-angle-right"></i>')+'</span>' : ''; | |
return '<a href="' + CONFIG.root + data.path +'">'+cats+data._highlightResult.title.value+'</a>'; | |
}, | |
empty: function(data) { | |
return '<div id="hits-empty">'+ | |
LOCAL.search.empty.replace(/\$\{query}/, data.query) + | |
'</div>'; | |
} | |
}, | |
cssClasses: { | |
item: 'item' | |
} | |
}), | |
instantsearch.widgets.pagination({ | |
container: '#search-pagination', | |
scrollTo : false, | |
showFirst: false, | |
showLast : false, | |
templates: { | |
first : '<i class="ic i-angle-double-left"></i>', | |
last : '<i class="ic i-angle-double-right"></i>', | |
previous: '<i class="ic i-angle-left"></i>', | |
next : '<i class="ic i-angle-right"></i>' | |
}, | |
cssClasses: { | |
root : 'pagination', | |
item : 'pagination-item', | |
link : 'page-number', | |
selectedItem: 'current', | |
disabledItem: 'disabled-item' | |
} | |
}) | |
]); | |
search.start(); | |
// Handle and trigger popup window | |
$.each('.search', function(element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
transition(siteSearch, 'shrinkIn', function() { | |
$('.search-input').focus(); | |
}) // transition.shrinkIn | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Monitor main search box | |
const onPopupClose = function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = ''; | |
transition(siteSearch, 0); // "transition.shrinkOut" | |
}; | |
siteSearch.addEventListener('click', function(event) { | |
if (event.target === siteSearch) { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
$('.close-btn').addEventListener('click', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('pjax:success', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { | |
if (event.key === 'Escape') { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
const localSearch = function(pjax) { | |
// 参考 hexo next 主题的配置方法 | |
// 参考 https://qiuyiwu.github.io/2019/01/25/Hexo-LocalSearch/ 博文 | |
if(CONFIG.localSearch === null) | |
return | |
if(!siteSearch) { | |
siteSearch = BODY.createChild('div', { | |
id: 'search', | |
innerHTML: '<div class="inner"><div class="header"><span class="icon"><i class="ic i-search"></i></span><div class="search-input-container"><input class="search-input"autocompvare="off"placeholder="'+LOCAL.search.placeholder+'"spellcheck="false"type="text"id="local-search-input"></div><span class="close-btn"><i class="ic i-times-circle"></i></span></div><div class="results"id="search-results"><div class="inner"><div id="search-stats"></div><div id="search-hits"></div><div id="search-pagination"></div></div></div></div></div>' | |
}); | |
} | |
var isFetched = false; | |
var datas; | |
var isXml = true; | |
var current_page = 0; | |
var pageSize = parseInt(CONFIG.localSearch.pageSize, 10); | |
if(isNaN(pageSize)) pageSize = 10; | |
var total_pages = 0; | |
var max_page_on_show = 7; // 一次最多显示 7 个页码 | |
var start_page = 0; | |
var end_page = 0; | |
var resultItems = []; | |
// search DB path | |
var searchPath = CONFIG.localSearch.path; | |
if (searchPath.length == 0) { | |
searchPath = 'search.xml'; | |
} else if (searchPath.endsWith('json')) { | |
isXml = false; | |
} | |
const input = $('.search-input'); // document.querySelector('.search-input'); | |
const resultContent = document.getElementById('search-hits'); | |
const paginationContent = document.getElementById('search-pagination'); | |
const getIndexByWord = function(word, text, caseSensitive) { | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.unescape) { | |
var div = document.createElement('div'); | |
div.innerText = word; | |
word = div.innerHTML; | |
} | |
var wordLen = word.length; | |
if (wordLen === 0) { | |
return []; | |
} | |
var startPosition = 0; | |
var position = []; | |
var index = []; | |
if (!caseSensitive) { | |
text = text.toLowerCase(); | |
word = word.toLowerCase(); | |
} | |
while ((position = text.indexOf(word, startPosition)) > -1) { | |
index.push({position:position, word:word}); | |
startPosition = position + wordLen; | |
} | |
return index; | |
}; | |
// Merge hits into slices | |
const mergeIntoSlice = function(start, end, index, searchText) { | |
var item = index[index.length - 1]; | |
var position = item.position; | |
var word = item.word; | |
var hits = []; | |
var searchTextCountInSlice = 0; | |
while (position + word.length <= end && index.length !== 0) { | |
if (word === searchText) { | |
searchTextCountInSlice++; | |
} | |
hits.push({ | |
position:position, | |
length: word.length | |
}); | |
var wordEnd = position + word.length; | |
// Move to next position of hit | |
index.pop(); | |
while (index.length !== 0) { | |
item = index[index.length - 1]; | |
position = item.position; | |
word = item.word; | |
if (wordEnd > position) { | |
index.pop(); | |
} else { | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return { | |
hits:hits, | |
start:start, | |
end:end, | |
searchTextCount: searchTextCountInSlice | |
}; | |
} | |
// Highlight title and content | |
const highlightKeyword = function(text, slice) { | |
var result = ''; | |
var prevEnd = slice.start; | |
slice.hits.forEach(function(hit) { | |
result += text.substring(prevEnd, hit.position); | |
var end = hit.position + hit.length; | |
result += '<mark>'+ text.substring(hit.position, end)+'</mark>'; | |
prevEnd = end; | |
}); | |
result += text.substring(prevEnd, slice.end); | |
return result; | |
}; | |
const pagination = function() { | |
const addPrevPage = function(current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = ''; | |
if (current_page === 0) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item disabled-item'; | |
numberContent = '<span class="#search-pagination page-number"><i class="ic i-angle-left"></i></span>'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number" aria-label="Prev" href="#"><i class="ic i-angle-left"></i></a>'; | |
} | |
var prevPage = '<li class="'+ classContent +'" id="prev-page">'+ numberContent+'</li>'; | |
return prevPage; | |
}; | |
const addNextPage = function(current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = ''; | |
if ((current_page + 1) === total_pages) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item disabled-item'; | |
numberContent = '<span class="#search-pagination page-number"><i class="ic i-angle-right"></i></span>'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number"aria-label="Next"href="#"><i class="ic i-angle-right"></i></a>'; | |
} | |
var nextPage = '<li class="' + classContent +'"id="next-page">'+ numberContent +'</li>'; | |
return nextPage; | |
}; | |
const addPage = function(index, current_page) { | |
var classContent = ''; | |
var numberContent = '<a class="#search-pagination page-number"aria-label="'+ (index + 1) +'"href="#">'+(index+1)+'</a>'; | |
if (index === current_page) { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item current'; | |
} else { | |
classContent = '#search-pagination pagination-item'; | |
} | |
var page = '<li class="'+classContent+'" id="page-'+(index + 1)+'">'+numberContent+'</li>'; | |
return page; | |
} | |
const addPaginationEvents = function(start_page, end_page) { | |
if (total_pages <= 0) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const onPrevPageClick = function(event) { | |
if (current_page > 0) { | |
current_page -= 1; | |
} | |
if (current_page < start_page) { | |
start_page = current_page; | |
end_page = Math.min(end_page, start_page + max_page_on_show); | |
} | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
const onNextPageClick = function(event) { | |
if ((current_page + 1) < total_pages) { | |
current_page += 1; | |
} | |
if (current_page > end_page) { | |
end_page = current_page; | |
start_page = Math.max(0, end_page - max_page_on_show); | |
} | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
const onPageClick = function(event) { | |
var page_number = parseInt(event.target.ariaLabel); | |
current_page = page_number - 1; // note minus 1 here | |
pagination(); | |
}; | |
var prevPage = document.getElementById('prev-page'); | |
if(prevPage != null)prevPage.addEventListener('click', onPrevPageClick); | |
var nextPage = document.getElementById('next-page'); | |
if(nextPage != null) nextPage.addEventListener('click', onNextPageClick); | |
for (var i = start_page; i < end_page; i += 1) { | |
var page = document.getElementById('page-'+(i + 1)); | |
if(page != null)page.addEventListener('click', onPageClick); | |
} | |
}; | |
paginationContent.innerHTML = ''; // clear | |
var begin_index = Math.min(current_page * pageSize, resultItems.length); | |
var end_index = Math.min(begin_index + pageSize, resultItems.length); | |
resultContent.innerHTML = resultItems.slice(begin_index, end_index).map(function(result) {return result.item}).join(''); | |
start_page = Math.max(0, total_pages - max_page_on_show); | |
end_page = start_page + Math.min(total_pages, max_page_on_show); | |
var pageContent = '<div class="#search-pagination">'; | |
pageContent += '<div class="#search-pagination pagination">'; | |
pageContent += '<ul>'; | |
if (total_pages > 0) { | |
// add prev page arrow, when no prev page not selectable | |
pageContent += addPrevPage(current_page); | |
for (var i = start_page; i < end_page; i += 1) { | |
pageContent += addPage(i, current_page); | |
} | |
// add next page arrow, when no next page not selectable | |
pageContent += addNextPage(current_page); | |
} | |
pageContent += '</ul>'; | |
pageContent += '</div>'; | |
pageContent += '</div>'; | |
paginationContent.innerHTML = pageContent; | |
addPaginationEvents(start_page, end_page); | |
resultContent.scrollTop = 0; // scroll to top | |
window.pjax && window.pjax.refresh(resultContent); | |
}; | |
const inputEventFunction = function() { | |
if (!isFetched) { | |
console.log("Data not fetched."); | |
return; | |
} | |
var searchText = input.value.trim().toLowerCase(); | |
var keywords = searchText.split(/[-\s]+/); | |
if (keywords.length > 1) { | |
keywords.push(searchText); | |
} | |
resultItems = []; | |
if (searchText.length > 0) { | |
// Perform local searching | |
datas.forEach(function(index) { | |
var categories = index.categories, title=index.title, content=index.content, url=index.url; | |
var titleInLowerCase = title.toLowerCase(); | |
var contentInLowerCase = content.toLowerCase(); | |
var indexOfTitle = []; | |
var indexOfContent = []; | |
var searchTextCount = 0; | |
keywords.forEach( function(keyword) { | |
indexOfTitle = indexOfTitle.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, titleInLowerCase, false)); | |
indexOfContent = indexOfContent.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, contentInLowerCase, false)); | |
}); | |
// Show search results | |
if (indexOfTitle.length > 0 || indexOfContent.length > 0) { | |
var hitCount = indexOfTitle.length + indexOfContent.length; | |
// Sort index by position of keyword | |
[indexOfTitle, indexOfContent].forEach(function(index) { | |
index.sort(function(itemLeft, itemRight) { | |
if (itemRight.position !== itemLeft.position) { | |
return itemRight.position - itemLeft.position; | |
} | |
return itemLeft.word.length - item.word.length; | |
}); | |
}); | |
var slicesOfTitle = []; | |
if (indexOfTitle.length !== 0) { | |
var tmp = mergeIntoSlice(0, title.length, indexOfTitle, searchText); | |
searchTextCount += tmp.searchTextCountInSlice; | |
slicesOfTitle.push(tmp); | |
} | |
var slicesOfContent = []; | |
while (indexOfContent.length !== 0) { | |
var item = indexOfContent[indexOfContent.length - 1]; | |
var position = item.position; | |
var word = item.word; | |
// Cut out 100 characters | |
var start = position - 20; | |
var end = position + 30; | |
if (start < 0) { | |
start = 0; | |
} | |
if (end < position + word.length) { | |
end = position + word.length; | |
} | |
if (end > content.length) { | |
end = content.length; | |
} | |
var tmp = mergeIntoSlice(start, end, indexOfContent, searchText); | |
searchTextCount += tmp.searchTextCountInSlice; | |
slicesOfContent.push(tmp); | |
} | |
// Sort slices in content by search text's count and hits' count | |
slicesOfContent.sort( function(sliceLeft, sliceRight) { | |
if (sliceLeft.searchTextCount !== sliceRight.searchTextCount) { | |
return sliceRight.searchTextCount - sliceLeft.searchTextCount; | |
} else if (sliceLeft.hits.length !== sliceRight.hits.length) { | |
return sliceRight.hits.length - sliceLeft.hits.length; | |
} | |
return sliceLeft.start - sliceRight.start; | |
}); | |
// Select top N slices in content | |
var upperBound = parseInt(CONFIG.localSearch.pageSize, 10); | |
if (upperBound >= 0) { | |
slicesOfContent = slicesOfContent.slice(0, upperBound); | |
} | |
var resultItem = ''; | |
resultItem += '<div class="#search-hits item">'; | |
// resultItem += '<div class="#search-hits">'; | |
// resultItem += '<ol class="item">' | |
resultItem += '<li>' | |
// resultItem += '<li>'; | |
var cats = categories !== undefined ? '<span>' + categories.join('<i class="ic i-angle-right"></i>') + '</span>' : '<span>No categories</span>'; | |
resultItem += '<a href="'+url+'">' + cats; | |
if (slicesOfTitle.length !== 0) { | |
// resultItem += '<li><a href="'+url}">'+highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0])}</a>'; | |
resultItem += '<b>'+highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0])+'</b><br>'; | |
} else { | |
// resultItem += '<li><a href="'+url}">'+title}</a>'; | |
resultItem += '<b>'+title+'</b><br>'; | |
} | |
slicesOfContent.forEach(function(slice) { | |
return resultItem += '<li class="#search-hits subitem">'+highlightKeyword(content, slice)+' ...</li>'; | |
}); | |
// resultItem += '</li>'; | |
resultItem += '</a>'; | |
resultItem += '</li>'; | |
// resultItem += '</ol>'; | |
resultItem += '</div>'; | |
resultItems.push({ | |
item: resultItem, | |
id : resultItems.length, | |
hitCount:hitCount, | |
searchTextCount:searchTextCount | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
if (keywords.length === 1 && keywords[0] === '') { | |
resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i></i></div>'; | |
} else if (resultItems.length === 0) { | |
resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i></i></div>'; | |
} else { | |
resultItems.sort(function(resultLeft, resultRight) { | |
if (resultLeft.searchTextCount !== resultRight.searchTextCount) { | |
return resultRight.searchTextCount - resultLeft.searchTextCount; | |
} else if (resultLeft.hitCount !== resultRight.hitCount) { | |
return resultRight.hitCount - resultLeft.hitCount; | |
} | |
return resultRight.id - resultLeft.id; | |
}); | |
} | |
// Do pagination | |
total_pages = Math.ceil(resultItems.length / pageSize); | |
pagination(); | |
} | |
const fetchData = function() { | |
fetch(CONFIG.root + searchPath) | |
.then(function(response) {return response.text()} ) | |
.then( function(res) { | |
// Get the contents from search data | |
isFetched = true; | |
datas = isXml ? [new DOMParser().parseFromString(res, 'text/xml').querySelectorAll('entry')].map( function(element) { | |
return { | |
title : element.querySelector('title').textContent, | |
content: element.querySelector('content').textContent, | |
url : element.querySelector('url').textContent | |
}; | |
}) : JSON.parse(res); | |
// Only match articles with not empty titles | |
datas = datas.filter(function(data) {return data.title} ).map( function(data) { | |
data.title = data.title.trim(); | |
data.content = data.content ? data.content.trim().replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '') : ''; | |
data.url = decodeURIComponent(data.url).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/'); | |
return data; | |
}); | |
// Remove loading animation | |
document.getElementById('search-hits').innerHTML = '<i></i>'; | |
inputEventFunction(); | |
}); | |
}; | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.preload) { | |
console.log("fetch data."); | |
fetchData(); | |
} | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch.trigger === 'auto') { | |
input.addEventListener('input', inputEventFunction); | |
} else { | |
document.querySelector('.search-icon').addEventListener('click', inputEventFunction); | |
input.addEventListener('keypress',function(event) { | |
if (event.key === 'Enter') { | |
inputEventFunction(); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
// Handle and trigger popup window | |
document.querySelectorAll('.popup-trigger').forEach( function(element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
document.querySelector('.search-pop-overlay').classList.add('search-active'); | |
input.focus(); | |
if (!isFetched) fetchData(); | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Handle and trigger popup window | |
$.each('.search', function(element) { | |
element.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; | |
transition(siteSearch, 'shrinkIn', function() { | |
$('.search-input').focus(); | |
}) // transition.shrinkIn | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Monitor main search box | |
const onPopupClose = function() { | |
document.body.style.overflow = ''; | |
transition(siteSearch, 0); // "transition.shrinkOut" | |
}; | |
siteSearch.addEventListener('click', function(event) { | |
if (event.target === siteSearch) { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
$('.close-btn').addEventListener('click', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('pjax:success', onPopupClose); | |
window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { | |
if (event.key === 'Escape') { | |
onPopupClose(); | |
} | |
}); | |
}; |
# 修改 script.js
shoka/scripts/generaters/script.js 中主要是读取配置,添加如下代码
........... // 省略若干代码 | |
if(config.algolia) { | |
siteConfig.search = { | |
appID : config.algolia.appId, | |
apiKey : config.algolia.apiKey, | |
indexName: config.algolia.indexName, | |
hits : theme.search.hits | |
} | |
} | |
// 以下为需要添加的代码 | |
if(config.search) { | |
siteConfig.localSearch = { | |
enable: config.search.enable, | |
path: config.search.path, | |
field: config.search.field, | |
format: config.search.format, | |
limit: config.search.limit, | |
content: config.search.content, | |
unescape: config.search.unescape, | |
preload: config.search.preload, | |
trigger: config.search.trigger, | |
pageSize: config.search.pageSize | |
} | |
} |
'use strict'; | |
const fs = require('hexo-fs'); | |
const url = require('url'); | |
hexo.extend.generator.register('script', function(locals){ | |
const config = hexo.config; | |
const theme = hexo.theme.config; | |
var env = require('../../package.json') | |
var siteConfig = { | |
version: env['version'], | |
hostname: config.url, | |
root: config.root, | |
statics: theme.statics, | |
favicon: { | |
normal: theme.images + "/favicon.ico", | |
hidden: theme.images + "/failure.ico" | |
}, | |
darkmode: theme.darkmode, | |
auto_scroll: theme.auto_scroll, | |
js: { | |
valine: theme.vendors.js.valine, | |
chart: theme.vendors.js.chart, | |
copy_tex: theme.vendors.js.copy_tex, | |
fancybox: theme.vendors.js.fancybox | |
}, | |
css: { | |
valine: theme.css + "/comment.css", | |
katex: theme.vendors.css.katex, | |
mermaid: theme.css + "/mermaid.css", | |
fancybox: theme.vendors.css.fancybox | |
}, | |
loader: theme.loader, | |
search : null, | |
valine: theme.valine, | |
quicklink: { | |
timeout : theme.quicklink.timeout, | |
priority: theme.quicklink.priority | |
} | |
}; | |
// if(config.algolia) { | |
// siteConfig.search = { | |
// appID : config.algolia.appId, | |
// apiKey : config.algolia.apiKey, | |
// indexName: config.algolia.indexName, | |
// hits : theme.search.hits | |
// } | |
// } | |
// 以下为需要添加的代码 | |
if(config.search) { | |
siteConfig.localSearch = { | |
enable: config.search.enable, | |
path: config.search.path, | |
field: config.search.field, | |
format: config.search.format, | |
limit: config.search.limit, | |
content: config.search.content, | |
unescape: config.search.unescape, | |
preload: config.search.preload, | |
trigger: config.search.trigger, | |
pageSize: config.search.pageSize | |
} | |
} | |
if(theme.audio) { | |
siteConfig.audio = theme.audio | |
} | |
var text = ''; | |
['utils', 'dom', 'player', 'global', 'sidebar', 'page', 'pjax'].forEach(function(item) { | |
text += fs.readFileSync('themes/shoka/source/js/_app/'+item+'.js').toString(); | |
}); | |
if(theme.fireworks && theme.fireworks.enable) { | |
text += fs.readFileSync('themes/shoka/source/js/_app/fireworks.js').toString(); | |
siteConfig.fireworks = theme.fireworks.color || ["rgba(255,182,185,.9)", "rgba(250,227,217,.9)", "rgba(187,222,214,.9)", "rgba(138,198,209,.9)"] | |
} | |
text = 'var CONFIG = ' + JSON.stringify(siteConfig) + ';' + text; | |
return { | |
path: theme.js + '/app.js', | |
data: function(){ | |
return hexo.render.renderSync({text: text, engine: 'js'}); | |
} | |
}; | |
}); |
# 修改 pjax.js
shoka/source/js/_app/pjax.js 中是启动搜索功能的部分,这里在两个配置都有的情况下默认使用本地搜索而不是 Algolia
if (CONFIG.localSearch != null) { | |
localSearch(pjax) | |
}else if(CONFIG.search != null) { | |
algoliaSearch(pjax) | |
} |
注意,这里配置需要将 Algolia 的注释掉 否则可能导致页面进不去
const domInit = function() { | |
$.each('.overview .menu > .item', function(el) { | |
siteNav.child('.menu').appendChild(el.cloneNode(true)); | |
}) | |
loadCat.addEventListener('click', Loader.vanish); | |
menuToggle.addEventListener('click', sideBarToggleHandle); | |
$('.dimmer').addEventListener('click', sideBarToggleHandle); | |
quickBtn.child('.down').addEventListener('click', goToBottomHandle); | |
quickBtn.child('.up').addEventListener('click', backToTopHandle); | |
if(!toolBtn) { | |
toolBtn = siteHeader.createChild('div', { | |
id: 'tool', | |
innerHTML: '<div class="item player"></div><div class="item contents"><i class="ic i-list-ol"></i></div><div class="item chat"><i class="ic i-comments"></i></div><div class="item back-to-top"><i class="ic i-arrow-up"></i><span>0%</span></div>' | |
}); | |
} | |
toolPlayer = toolBtn.child('.player'); | |
backToTop = toolBtn.child('.back-to-top'); | |
goToComment = toolBtn.child('.chat'); | |
showContents = toolBtn.child('.contents'); | |
backToTop.addEventListener('click', backToTopHandle); | |
goToComment.addEventListener('click', goToCommentHandle); | |
showContents.addEventListener('click', sideBarToggleHandle); | |
mediaPlayer(toolPlayer) | |
$('main').addEventListener('click', function() { | |
toolPlayer.player.mini() | |
}) | |
} | |
const pjaxReload = function () { | |
pagePosition() | |
if(sideBar.hasClass('on')) { | |
transition(sideBar, function () { | |
sideBar.removeClass('on'); | |
menuToggle.removeClass('close'); | |
}); // 'transition.slideRightOut' | |
} | |
$('#main').innerHTML = '' | |
$('#main').appendChild(loadCat.lastChild.cloneNode(true)); | |
pageScroll(0); | |
} | |
const siteRefresh = function (reload) { | |
LOCAL_HASH = 0 | |
LOCAL_URL = window.location.href | |
vendorCss('katex'); | |
vendorJs('copy_tex'); | |
vendorCss('mermaid'); | |
vendorJs('chart'); | |
vendorJs('valine', function() { | |
var options = Object.assign({}, CONFIG.valine); | |
options = Object.assign(options, LOCAL.valine||{}); | |
options.el = '#comments'; | |
options.pathname = LOCAL.path; | |
options.pjax = pjax; | |
options.lazyload = lazyload; | |
new MiniValine(options); | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
positionInit(1); | |
postFancybox('.v'); | |
}, 1000); | |
}, window.MiniValine); | |
if(!reload) { | |
$.each('script[data-pjax]', pjaxScript); | |
} | |
originTitle = document.title | |
resizeHandle() | |
menuActive() | |
sideBarTab() | |
sidebarTOC() | |
registerExtURL() | |
postBeauty() | |
tabFormat() | |
toolPlayer.player.load(LOCAL.audio || CONFIG.audio || {}) | |
Loader.hide() | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
positionInit() | |
}, 500); | |
cardActive() | |
lazyload.observe() | |
} | |
const siteInit = function () { | |
domInit() | |
pjax = new Pjax({ | |
selectors: [ | |
'head title', | |
'.languages', | |
'.pjax', | |
'script[data-config]' | |
], | |
analytics: false, | |
cacheBust: false | |
}) | |
CONFIG.quicklink.ignores = LOCAL.ignores | |
quicklink.listen(CONFIG.quicklink) | |
visibilityListener() | |
themeColorListener() | |
if (CONFIG.localSearch != null) { | |
localSearch(pjax) | |
}else if(CONFIG.search != null) { | |
algoliaSearch(pjax) | |
} | |
algoliaSearch(pjax) | |
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandle) | |
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandle) | |
window.addEventListener('pjax:send', pjaxReload) | |
window.addEventListener('pjax:success', siteRefresh) | |
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { | |
pagePosition() | |
}) | |
siteRefresh(1) | |
} | |
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', siteInit); | |
console.log('%c Theme.Shoka v' + CONFIG.version + ' %c https://shoka.lostyu.me/ ', 'color: white; background: #e9546b; padding:5px 0;', 'padding:4px;border:1px solid #e9546b;') |
# 添加配置
最后在 hexo 配置(最外层的 _config.yml )中添加 search 配置,就大功告成了!
search: | |
enable: true | |
path: search.json # search.xml | |
field: post | |
format: html | |
limit: 10000 | |
content: true | |
unescape: true | |
preload: true | |
trigger: "auto" | |
pageSize: 10 |